Sara Farraj


Sex: Female

Birthday: 27/03/2001

City of Residence: Minya

City of Origin: Minya

Expertise Areas: Women Empowerment, gender justice

  • Write a quote which you believe in.

والمهم هو أن يلقى الإنسان حياته باسما لها لا عابسا، وجادًّا فيها لا لاعبا وأن يحمل نصيبه من واجباتها، ويحب للناس مثلما يحب لنفسه ويؤثر الناسَ بما يؤثر به نفسه من الخير، ولا عليه بعد ذلك أن تثقل الحياة أو تخف وأن يرضى الناسُ أو يسخطوا، فنحن لم نُخلق عبثا ولم نُترك سُدى ولم نُكلَّفْ إرضاء الناس عنا، وإنما خلقنا لنؤدي واجباتنا وليس لنا بُدٌّ من تأديتها، فإن لم نفعلْ فنحن وحدنا المَلومون وعلينا وحدنا تقع التبعات.

  • A brief bio:

"I am an intern doctor at Minia University Hospitals, deeply passionate about advocating for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Growing up in a conservative community in Upper Egypt, I faced the challenge of promoting gender equality and discussing sensitive health topics in an environment where these issues are often considered taboo. Despite these obstacles, I remained determined to push forward and became a strong advocate for maternal health and women’s empowerment. My journey is about turning challenges into opportunities, and I remain committed to creating lasting change in reproductive health and gender equality in my community."

  • What ignited your pursuit for SDGs especially the goals you believe in?
  • Please share your biggest wins as an SDGs advocate

My biggest wins have revolved around promoting SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 5 (Gender Equality). One of my most significant achievements was launching Mum Matters, the first startup of its kind in Upper Egypt, which focuses on safe, normal deliveries and maternal health education. This initiative addresses the high C-section rates in Egypt, empowering mothers with knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about childbirth.

  •  Outside of your SDGs advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

"I enjoy reading, learning and traveling, These activities give me a creative outlet and a way to constantly expand my knowledge. Reading, especially on topics related to healthcare, gender issues, and personal development, keeps me inspired and informed, activities complement my professional work, helping me stay balanced and energized. Sexual and reproductive health and rights advocacy, working on women empowerment in underserved communities.I like conduct sessions and workshop about this topics, some times creat reels or right articles or posts."

  •  Languages Spoken with your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced Native or advanced fluent)

Arabic, English

  • Put the most 3 important publications about your work title with their links







  • What is the first project you joined empower hub with ?

Empower your choice

  • what other projects did you join with empower hub ? select all projects you joined with us

Youth Voices, Active Citizens

  • What are the 3 goals of the SDGs goal that you are advocating for the most?

Goal 3: Good Health And Well-Being, Goal 5: Gender Equality
