Sabren hamdy


Sex: Female

Birthday: 10/11/2002

City of Residence: Kafr El Sheikh

City of Origin: Kafr El Sheikh

Expertise Areas: Women Empowerment, Youth Participation & Leadership, Entrepreneurship

  • Write a quote which you believe in.

I am a student in the college manager of the business of Alexandria with an ambitious, no longer ending about Koni, in every step in my life so since the ends of the secondary year and I am interested in working voluntaryly and already done so far as a trainer of his younger, the south of the youth and the Fund, the Fund's reward and addiction abuse and the responsibility of the organization of the organization in the life of the cream and the part of the Empwer Hop Leader and seek to wear

  • A brief bio:

In my education, I did not consider any frequency of them, fulfilled his figure to do so, I did not seek to be the rehabilitation of the reaction, "I said," I am a phase of me, and I have a failure to be prepared to be better for you. The first thing to qualify me is that college that I did not wish on a day that I was not yet that I changed in the play and the past, much, the rest of the works and steps, I am so impressed

  • What ignited your pursuit for SDGs especially the goals you believe in?
  • Please share your biggest wins as an SDGs advocate

My biggest win so far is being in initiatives and structures that pursue all of the SDGs

  •  Outside of your SDGs advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy being an entrepreneur and a startup for education and psychological support.

  •  Languages Spoken with your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced Native or advanced fluent)

Arabic, English

  • Put the most 3 important publications about your work title with their links

  • What is the first project you joined empower hub with ?

Tech leaders 2024

  • what other projects did you join with empower hub ? select all projects you joined with us

Tech leaders 2024

  • What are the 3 goals of the SDGs goal that you are advocating for the most?

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities And Communities, Goal 13: Climate Action
