Rogena Zeinelabdein
- 1001997005
Email: rogaina2.zin@gmail.com
Sex: Female
Birthday: 27/03/1997
City of Residence: Alexandria , Egypt
City of Origin: Alexandria , Egypt
Expertise Areas: Education, Climate & Environment, Women Empowerment

- Write a quote which you believe in.
Life is not an exact science, it is an art.
- A brief bio:
Rogena Tarek was born on March 27, 1997, in Alexandria, Egypt, an award-winning Filmmaker, writer, and visual artist who wander around the unmarked territory between action stories and documentary. I explore the inner emotions through image and sound to cross the physical world and the metaphysical..I went to study at the Media Fine Arts Faculty of Art and Design Pharos. After finishing her studies, I started making many movies. I made all sorts of movies, like stories that aren’t real (fiction) and movies that show real things (documentaries). Italked about many different topics and ideas in my movies. I got prizes and recognition from the film industry.
- What ignited your pursuit for SDGs especially the goals you believe in?
I’m creating short documentaries, and when I explore rural areas, I often come across situations that are related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In these instances, I’m driven to find solutions and ensure that the voices of the people affected are heard.
- Please share your biggest wins as an SDGs advocate
I want to express my gratitude to Amr Ramadan for providing me with the opportunity to become a part of Empower 2030 leaders. In this role, I served as a media instructor for the Climate Leader Hub in 2022. This allowed me to train and mentor young individuals in the art of crafting compelling stories through short videos, with the goal of raising awareness about important issues that may otherwise go unnoticed. Additionally, I had the privilege of serving as a media instructor for NASA Space Apps Cairo 2022.
- Outside of your SDGs advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?
I combined my love for filmmaking, which has always been my passion, to showcase real-life stories, kickboxing, my favorite sport, and my passion for traveling.
- Languages Spoken with your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced Native or advanced fluent)
Arabic ( mother tongue), English(Advanced), Spanish ( beginner).
- Put the most 3 important publications about your work title with their links
- What is the first project you joined empower hub with ?
- what other projects did you join with empower hub ? select all projects you joined with us
- What are the 3 goals of the SDGs goal that you are advocating for the most?