Mennatullah Elnashar
- 1002002037
Sex: Female
Birthday: 09/02/2002
City of Residence: Alexandria
City of Origin: Alexandria
Expertise Areas: Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, AI And IT
- Write a quote which you believe in.
The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
- A brief bio:
I am a fresh graduate data scientist from the faculty of Computers and Data Science at Alexandria University. I joined the field of data science because I was eager to be one of its pioneers. I love doing a lot of meaningful things in my life besides education like playing sports, networking, internships, joining programs, attending events, self learning, cooking, painting, and volunteering. I would like to inspire other people to find their passion and purpose in life and help them contribute positively to this world.
- What ignited your pursuit for SDGs especially the goals you believe in?
I was a team leader for research and development at Enactus Alexandria University.
- Please share your biggest wins as an SDGs advocate
Travelling, playing sports, networking, cooking, making podcasts, supporting others, attending tech events and trying new things.
- Outside of your SDGs advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?
- Languages Spoken with your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced Native or advanced fluent)
Arabic, English, French
- Put the most 3 important publications about your work title with their links
LinkedIn Account:
Girls Pulse Page for supporting girls & youth:
My Portfolio:
- What is the first project you joined empower hub with ?
Tech leaders 2024
- what other projects did you join with empower hub ? select all projects you joined with us
Tech leaders 2024
- What are the 3 goals of the SDGs goal that you are advocating for the most?