Menna Elbeltagy


Sex: Female

Birthday: 21/06/2004

City of Residence: Sharqiya

City of Origin: Sharqiya

Expertise Areas: Women Empowerment, Youth Participation & Leadership, Education

  • Write a quote which you believe in.

Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure

  • A brief bio:

" As a dedicated dental student, I navigate the challenging yet rewarding world of healthcare, mastering the skills to care for people's smiles. Between lectures and clinical practice, I also harness your creativity as a content creator, sharing insights, tips, and experiences with a growing audience. My unique blend of expertise in dentistry and content creation allows me to bridge the gap between education and entertainment, inspiring others while building a bright future in both fields. Balancing two demanding passions, I am shaping not only my career but also the digital space i thrive in."

  • What ignited your pursuit for SDGs especially the goals you believe in?
  • Please share your biggest wins as an SDGs advocate

There’s nothing currently but i am working on it now

  •  Outside of your SDGs advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

Make a useful content

  •  Languages Spoken with your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced Native or advanced fluent)


  • Put the most 3 important publications about your work title with their links


  • What is the first project you joined empower hub with ?

Empower your choice

  • what other projects did you join with empower hub ? select all projects you joined with us

Empower your choice

  • What are the 3 goals of the SDGs goal that you are advocating for the most?

Goal 1: No poverty, Goal 5: Gender Equality, Goal 16: Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions
