Habiba Abdalmagid
- 1002002048
Email: habibaabdalmagid@gmail.com
Sex: Female
Birthday: 20/12/2002
City of Residence: Cairo
City of Origin: Cairo
Expertise Areas: Education, Climate & Environment, Youth Participation & Leadership

- Write a quote which you believe in.
"""I am reborn in every moment, so who knows what I will become"""
- A brief bio:
Habiba Abdalmagid is a young activist from Cairo. She is majoring in languages and culture. She has been interested in learning about cultures and different beliefs, which is why she chose that major. Furthermore, She has always been passionate about empowering youth as she believes that they are the key to changing the world. She has participated in various youth work like volunteering, youth projects, and activities. She has volunteered for “Sonbola” orphanage for more than 6 years. She also was an English committee head at femto science student activity. Additionally, she has been part of different choirs as she can sing in different languages. She has been selected as a short-listed candidate for SUSI scholarship. Habiba participated in Impulse Boost Camp (IBC) program in Germany. This experience made her aware of how close we all to each other, even if we do not have the same religion or background. Additionally, this opportunity gave her a huge boost to be part of changing and solving the complex challenges of her continent and developing her skills. Habiba’s long-term goal is to pursue a project for spreading awareness among marginalized people and children in schools about Environmental issues and Youth. She is seeking to further her experience and her skills to achieve this goal. She is currently a Junior mentor in a huge entity, which is Scholarships Academy of Empower Hub. Being a mentor is a huge responsibility that she should plan, guide, and help the students daily. She has learned so many things from each experience she went through and still continues to learn and evolve.
- What ignited your pursuit for SDGs especially the goals you believe in?
- Please share your biggest wins as an SDGs advocate
"I participated in the ""Be an Ambassador"" initiative by the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development. I successfully passed all the stages, reaching the ""Training of Trainers"" phase, where I was trained to gain knowledge on how to disseminate the information I learned throughout the months of training. I became an ambassador for sustainable development and a trainer affiliated with the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development. Additionally, I held public debates on various principles and goals of sustainable development and contributed to correcting misconceptions among the public regarding sustainable development "
- Outside of your SDGs advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?
One of the most enriching aspects of my life has been the opportunity to network with people from various backgrounds and cultures. Every interaction with someone from a different cultural milieu opens a window to a new world, filled with unique traditions, beliefs, and perspectives. This diversity is a wellspring of knowledge and growth. Additionally, learning new languages has been another incredible source of joy in my life. Languages are the keys to unlocking new cultures and the gateways to building connections with people from around the globe. Each language I learn offers a unique perspective and worldview, providing an insight into the history and identity of the speakers. Moreover, teaching and raising awareness about crucial topics is a fundamental aspect of my commitment to making a positive impact on the world. I find immense satisfaction in sharing knowledge and encouraging others to become active agents of change. My passion for teaching extends beyond the classroom, encompassing a wide range of topics, from environmental issues to social justice and beyond. I also enjoy singing in different languages and that is one of the main things that fill me with energy and joy.
- Languages Spoken with your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced Native or advanced fluent)
Arabic, English, Italian
- Put the most 3 important publications about your work title with their links
“Participating in Impulse Boost Camp in Germany: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2qVz8uZHY/?igsh=MTNwemZ6eXpxMjFvNQ==
Participating in Empower Leaders: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/wqQedwLmXzQDU1Ur/?mibextid=oFDknk
- What is the first project you joined empower hub with ?
Scholarship academy 2022
- what other projects did you join with empower hub ? select all projects you joined with us
Empower 2030 leaders, Empower your choice, Scholarship academy 2022, scholarship academy 2023
- What are the 3 goals of the SDGs goal that you are advocating for the most?