Elham Ahmed
- 1002004028
Email: s-elham.latif@zewailcity.edu.eg
Sex: Female
Birthday: 25/10/2004
City of Residence: Qaliobia, Egypt
City of Origin: Cairo, Egypt
Expertise Areas: Education, Youth Participation & Leadership, Women Empowerment, AI And IT

- Write a quote which you believe in.
I believe in this quote by Ahmed Zewail (The end will begin when seekers of knowledge become satisfied with their own achievements.)
- A brief bio:
My environment has taught me to believe in two things. Firstly, the quote by Jim Rohn when he said”You are the average of the five people you spend most time with.” Secondly, If I want to start achieving a step, I should not put my weight on any circumstances or someone to help, instead, I should be the doer and take action forward. As a result, I would like to highlight an event in my life that was the start of my self-development. I love reading, and I started especially to devote time to reading six years ago, but my passion led me to start learning programming. However, I want to mention this exactly since I took merely one year before taking the step to actually start teaching myself as I was argumenting myself for not having a laptop and even the facilities to buy a used one. As a beginner seeker, I reached out to companies such as IBM, and Microsoft to help me in buying a laptop and I was just waiting. However I discovered I had to start, so I initiated by learning HTML, CSS, and Java scripts from my phone. Then, I realised I had to learn English, and I was so interested in the American accent, so I reached myself, and now I manage the American accent around 90 per cent, but my writing is still need to be updated. Moreover, I joined as a young member of one of the New York Academy of Science programs for three years. I joined many local and international contests including Nasa Hackathon Cairo, Small Inventor, USAID well-being competition, and Moonshotpirates. I applied to 17 colleges in the USA, and I got accepted into three, but unfortunately, many circumstances prevented me from going. I did not let myself stop, I applied for other scholarships and now I am attending Zewail City of science and Technology at Nanotechnology Engineering with the USAID scholarship. I took part in many teams, and camps, and have the experience to open my start-up. Finally, I am interested in the SDGs and climate change from my reading and following, as a result, I applied to be a youth delegate and attended a three-day workshop that covered many topics, and I am now working on a project at the end with this program to launch an initiative and I will represent it this 21 October at LCOY conference. This answer was submitted by me and made me got accepted as an active member in YOUNGO organization.
- What ignited your pursuit for SDGs especially the goals you believe in?
In today and for tomorrow, our world always will encounter problems that may affect us individually, and only that but for the next generation. Due to are previous and current actions we are doomed to be more cautious to let space for the next generation to be able to experience the green life as what every human being on earth deserves. As a result, Countries, especially the GDPs gathered to put and gather all on goals to work on and those goals are the SDGs. In a contribution of that, I would like to propagate my idea in many goals, especially the once I indicated for their great impact in all countries nearly regarding’s of any financial resources difference.
- Please share your biggest wins as an SDGs advocate
I think it is my active work now with YOUNGO organization as I am working on my group with other people from England, Switzerland and Arab countries.
- Outside of your SDGs advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?
I am thrilled to develop my technology skills, and there are many possible changes to either travel Pakistan or the Japan for an internship to develop my technical skills as I am an Engineer. Another thing is my work with YOUNGO now, I began to work with other youth in my group where we share our ideas and try to make a dent.
- Languages Spoken with your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced Native or advanced fluent)
English (advanced Native)
- Put the most 3 important publications about your work title with their links
- What is the first project you joined empower hub with ?
- what other projects did you join with empower hub ? select all projects you joined with us
- What are the 3 goals of the SDGs goal that you are advocating for the most?