Abdelrahman Okda

Email: abdelrahmanokda863@gmail.com

Sex: Male

Birthday: 15/12/1999

City of Residence: Gharbiya

City of Origin: Gharbiya

Expertise Areas: Youth Participation & Leadership, Economic Empowerment, Entrepreneurship

  • Write a quote which you believe in.

Impossible is a word that does not exist in my dictionary.

  • A brief bio:

Graduate of Communications and Electronics Engineering 2023, possesses many skills (website front-end development / Microsoft Office / communication / time management / flexibility / teamwork / community work / data entry), obtained many training courses from (Nasser Military Academy / Ministry of Youth and Sports / National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development / Ministry of Higher Education).

  • What ignited your pursuit for SDGs especially the goals you believe in?
  • Please share your biggest wins as an SDGs advocate

Graduate of the “Be an Ambassador for Sustainable Development” program at the National Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Batch 3, Member of the Sustainable Development Committee at the General Syndicate of Engineers.

  •  Outside of your SDGs advocacy work, what do you enjoy doing?

Entrepreneurship, community volunteering, youth empowerment.

  •  Languages Spoken with your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced Native or advanced fluent)


  • Put the most 3 important publications about your work title with their links


  • What is the first project you joined empower hub with ?

Inclusive Youth Empowerment

  • what other projects did you join with empower hub ? select all projects you joined with us

Inclusive Youth Empowerment

  • What are the 3 goals of the SDGs goal that you are advocating for the most?

Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure, Goal 17: Partnerships For The Goals
